The concept of having a marketing strategy is probably already a thought in your mind. It can, however, be difficult to enforce if you’ve never done it before or you have no idea where to start.
Here are 7 ways you can get started on an effective marketing plan for your business:
- Evaluation and Goal-Setting
Where is your business stance at this very moment? Evaluating the age, revenue, and financial stance of your business is a good first step in determining what your plan of action needs to be. - The Time-Money Factor
Set a budget and timeline that work for you. This will help you determine what works, when and where. This is especially relevant with social media, as you need to understand when people are generally most active and what they’re looking for when they are. - Bridging the Gaps
Reach. Engagement. Conversion. These are the three main areas you want to focus on for your marketing strategy. How many people would be interested or notice your advertisement? Is your marketing strategy engaging enough to attract an audience? If people were to reach out, would you be able to take action and convert sales? - Identify Your Problem Areas
What are you currently doing that isn’t working? The best way to identify these problem areas is to look at your current numbers and determine what is not working. Again; reach, engagement, and conversion. - The Solution
Once you’ve identified what you’re doing wrong, you can go ahead and figure out what you can do to change this. Whether you’re struggling with reach, engagement, or conversion, it’s always good to brainstorm on ways you can improve. - Prioritize
List every single task and goal you want to achieve along with an action plan and timeline for each action. - Measure and Adjust Accordingly
Make sure you’re measuring the results of your marketing plan to ensure it’s working. If not, take a few steps back and adjust your plan accordingly!